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Sun & Moon Books
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The Land Beyond the Forest: Dracula and Swoop

Mac Wellman

Out of Print

Series No.: SMC 112
ISBN: 1-55713-228-3, Pages: 99
American Literature, Drama

A Sun & Moon title.

* * *

The playwright whom the New York Times has described as "intoxicated with words" is at it again, this time whooping it up in Transylvania back/badlands. In the last days and hours of 1899 he recreates a house of horros in which Mina and Lucy, sexually active beings, are already surrounded by the dead hulks of Victorian masculinity, Jonathan and Van Helsing. The only escape is the imaginative world of coachmen and—eventually—vampires.

But Wellman's vampires are not entirely happy folk. It is not the blood that motivates them, but the urge to bit, what the New York Times described as an almost "metaphorical statement of existential engagement;" As Wellman's vampires slip between the skirts of their Victorian allies and between identities of Ego and Id, the author once again whips up a concoction of language wherein his characters "speak in the manner of child prodigies run amok with a thesaurus;" No one writing for the theater today can create such a feast for the tongue.

Also by Mac Wellman:
A Shelf in Woop's Clothing [Sun & Moon], $14.95
Bad Penny at Bow Bridge [Sun & Moon], Out of Print
Crowtet 1: A Murder of Crows and The Hyacinth Macaw, Digital Only
Crowtet 2: Second-Hand Smoke and The Lesser Magoo, $9.95
Q's Q: An Arboreal Narrative, $9.95
The Fortuneteller [Sun & Moon], $14.95
The Professional Frenchman [Sun & Moon], $9.95

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