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Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

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Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski



Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński is regarded by Poles, literary scholars and ordinary readers alike, as one of the greatest Polish poets of the 20th century. Many would rank him alongside Czesław Miłosz, Zbigniew Herbert, and Wisława Szymborska as one of the Polish writers most deserving of a place in the pantheon of world literature. Yet he is virtually unknown to English-language readers; he has rarely appeared in translation, and then only in obscure journals and often in woefully inadequate versions.

Baczyński was born in Warsaw on January 22, 1921. His parents were intellectuals, though of different kinds—his father was a patriot with socialist, even anarchist sympathies who had fought in the legions that won Poland's independence in 1918; his mother, a practicing Catholic, was a children's writer with a profound love of poetry who remained a major influence on her son. It has been said that the duality these two represented underpins of many of the tensions in Baczyński's poetry and also in his life. The young Baczyński began writing poetry at an early age; by the time he was 18 he was producing mature work. In the summer of 1939 he graduated from the elite Stefan Batory Grammar School in Warsaw; a few months later war broke out and Poland was occupied by the Nazis.

In the early years of the war, Baczyński continued to write copiously, and studied Polish literature in the underground university. It was there he met Barbara (Basia) Drapczyńska; they married in June 1942. It is to her that his extraordinary love poems are dedicated. Baczyński published his work in small clandestine editions under the pseudonym "Jan Bugaj" By 1942 he was already acknowledged as a major poet.

In 1943, Baczyński took the momentous decision to join the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), the Polish resistance. Despite his poor health (he was asthmatic) and the efforts of colleagues who recognized his genius and tired to keep him from the front lines, he insisted on remaining in active service. In spring 1944 he took part in several operations. Then the Warsaw Uprising broke out in August, 1994. Baczyński was involved in the fighting from the beginning. On August 4, he was killed in action. A few days later Basia also perished, still unaware of her husband's death.

Baczyński's mother Stefania carefully preserved his manuscripts. Eventually, in 1961 Baczyński's collected works were published for the first time; they had been gathered and edited by Kazimierz Wyka, a brilliant Kraków critic who had championed the poet's work even while Baczyński was still alive. The legend of Baczyński grew.

—Bill Johnston


Spiew z pozogi Warszawa: Wiedza, 1947); Utwory zebrine, ed. by Aniela Kmita-Piorunowa and Kazimierz Wyka (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1961); Utwory wybrane, ed. by Kazimierz Wyka (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1964); Wiersze, ed. by Jan Sochon (Bialystok: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1984); Poezje, ed. by Jerzy Swiech(Lublin: Wydawn Lubelskie, 1992).


White Magic and Other Poems trans. by Bill Johnston (Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2005).

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