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Green Integer Review

No. 9 (Jun-Oct 2007)
Poetry & Fiction, Interviews, Essays & Reviews, Bios, Links
Douglas Messerli, Editor

Nathan Thompson [England]


coupling out of bed
the space beyond the window
the space here
and automatic darkness
grasps a spider by each hand
and leads her to the next room

where a man named      is snoring.      He is a friend and he has spent the day in the manufacture
of motorised bath chairs
with sweat
face slanting his pillow
a nightmare
democratic slightness
reaches for his lover      finds
her gone      moves to a new dream
where an angel is procreating asexually      and limpets and barnacles smack at its surface
slipping off as a beak appears
long neck
a fully formless cartwheel
night mandala




collateral      processed
     it is a line drawing
corona surrounding a candle

witch this      stick hazel
     stunted forest echoes
fingers broken      lichen covers the boulders

what’s to check      swallows
     waiting granite seams
hair left behind      whose footsteps




The air just won’t bulge through your curtains this evening.      Even outside it feels like it is
coming on to you stoned with a perfume swagger. Maybe it’s like this to be water under oil
and if so, yes I should become an environmentalist


then I’ll lobby for cleaner owls,      who are holding back stickiness with their wings.      It’s why
their undersides are a different colour. They used to be uniform as lab technicians      bringing
you bundled pellets by the star-load


asleep tonight      tucked under the city’s afterglow      quilted rhymed in furry light.      If we
engage with them awake I worry we might become bitter      and so the stars leave sadly      as if
they’ve drunkenly groped your girlfriend


whose other girlfriend’s Greenpeace card is on the dresser, masquerading her as still present      in
the same way as stoicism is still a factor. So we’ll roll that stone right back into place


like shutting the curtains,
          which is an old doctor’s joke for every would-be Aladdin.

Copyright ©2007 by Nathan Thompson.

Nathan Thompson’s poetry has appeared in Shadowtrain, nthposition, Stride, and Shearsman. A collection of his prose poems will appear shortly in “A Combustible Edge,” an anthology of prose poetry from Bluechrone Press, edited by Rupert Loydell. Thompson lives Exeter in the United Kingdom.
Green Integer Review
   No. 1, Jan-Feb 2006
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   No. 4, Aug-Oct 2006
   No. 5, Nov 2006
   No. 6, Dec 2006
   No. 7, Feb 2007
   No. 8, Mar-May 2007
   No. 9, Jun-Oct 2007
   No. 10 Nov-Dec 2007
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