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Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

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Hotel Death and Other Tales (hardcover)

John Perreault

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John Perreault
Hotel Death and Other Tales (hardcover)
Series No.: x NAF 16
ISBN: 978-0-940650-87-9, Pages: 213
American Literature, Fiction

A Sun & Moon title.

* * *

"Fourteen stories, most of them narratives, share a common theme of consciousness. From an inventor so obsessed with the search for a new cheese that he discovers a method of inducing male lactation in order to create his own milk, to a woman whose life is entirely defined and fulfilled by a mail-order catalogue, Perreault explores the being and nothingness of a range of characters at odds with reality. The stories often shift perspective and reality midstream, and fanciful language reveals a poetic sensibility at work and play. In 'Milk Beard,' there is a remembered dream about a Santa Claus: 'False hairs . . . keep getting in my nose. I want to sneeze. False heirs. The clause that refleshes.' Many common details echo through these stories, as if they were a series of fever dreams. The sex, much of it between men, the violence and the death seem vague and dreamy. In the last story, the male narrator (or is it a woman?) goes to Provincetown to take care of a house, and finds a book called Hotel Death and Other Tales. 'It was as if the author had written all the stories in the book in order to create a fictional person who would write such stories, a fictional author.' Perreault has done that and more with these unusual and challenging tales."

--Publishers Weekly

Also by John Perreault:
Hotel Death and Other Tales [Sun & Moon], $9.95

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