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Crowtet 2: Second-Hand Smoke and The Lesser Magoo

Mac Wellman

SALE PRICE: U.S. $9.95
Series No.: 062
ISBN: 1-931243-71-9, Pages: 173
American Literature, Drama

These two plays are the second of Wellman’s award-winning quartet of plays involving, in one way or another, characters who have taken up with or have been highly influenced by birds—particularly crows of the nation of Rational Biped. With wit, humor, nostalgia, and just plain American orneriness, Wellman’s second quartet will delight readers and theater-goers alike.

Living in Brooklyn, New York, Mac Wellman teaches at Brooklyn College. He has had over 40 plays produced and has won major awards for his work including several Obies, McKnight and Rockerfeller Foundation grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Guggenheim foundation.

Also by Mac Wellman:
A Shelf in Woop's Clothing [Sun & Moon], $14.95
Bad Penny at Bow Bridge [Sun & Moon], Out of Print
Crowtet 1: A Murder of Crows and The Hyacinth Macaw, Digital Only
Q's Q: An Arboreal Narrative, $9.95
The Fortuneteller [Sun & Moon], $14.95
The Land Beyond the Forest: Dracula and Swoop [Sun & Moon], Out of Print
The Professional Frenchman [Sun & Moon], $9.95

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