SALE PRICE: U.S. $9.95
Series No.: 164
ISBN: 978-1-933382-58-6, Pages: 91
German Literature, Fiction
This fourth volume of Green Integer publications of writers who received fellowships to the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles focuses on fiction writersin this case writers from three different countries, Bernd Lichtenberg from Germany, Kathrin Röggla from Austria, and Kristen Schnider from Switzerland.
Each of these is a noted German-language fiction writer and the three together reveal some of the exciting writing occurring in their three countries at the present time.
Bernd Lichtenberg was born in Leverkusen in 1966 and grew up in Bergisch Glad-bach. After graduating from high school, he studied philosophy and religion studies, first in Cologne and Bonn, then in Berlin; he is the author of the film Goodbye, Lenin! and several books of fiction.
Kathrin Roggla was born in Salzburg in 1971 and now lives in Berlin. She studied German and Journalism in Salzburg from 1989 and in Berlin from 1992. She has published two books of experimental short prose and a novel, Abrauschen.
Kristin T. Schnider was born in London in 1960 and educated in Switzerland and London. After working as a secretary, editor, and translator, she became a freelance writer in 1997. Her work focuses on issues of identity, the status of the individual in society, and racism. Her publications include Die Kodiererin (The coder) (1990), Dln-a (1991), Ich wollte tsiten (l wanted to kill) (1994), and NYSKY (1996).