Digital Only Price: U.S. $5.95 Gertrude Stein
How to Write
Series No.: SMC 083
ISBN: 1-55713-204-6, Pages: 430
American Literature, Nonfiction
A Sun & Moon title. * * * First published in 1931, How to Write contains Stein’s thoughts about the craft of writing—about words, sentences, paragraphs, grammar, and narrative. Writing in her inimitable style, Stein lucidly explains her thoughts on writing everything from a sentence to a syllable, from the paragraph to whole grammars.
Famous among the essays of this volume are “Sentences and Paragraphs," "Arthur A Grammar,” “Sentences,” “Regular Regularly in Narrative,” “Finally George A Vocabulary,” and “Forensics.” Together these essays and others reveal Stein’s ideas and techniques and provide a read that is unique and exhilarating.
With an Afternote about possible typographical errors in the original Plain Edition, upon which this printing is based, How to Write continues Sun & Moon Press’s attempt to make the writings of Gertrude Stein available in popular editions.