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Sun & Moon Books
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Paul Vangelisti

Out of Print

Series No.: NAF 35
ISBN: 978-1557132277, Pages:
American Literature, Fiction

A Sun & Moon title.

* * *

In this new fiction-poem by Los Angeles poet and publisher Paul Vangelisti, the author has created what he describes as "a log of a voyage in the direction of a sentence." The log began as a daily and habitual attempt to exclude and include the world around him while he was living on an NEA grant. But before long, Vangelisti's nemesis, "the good captain," aka Nemo, took possession of his sentences, and the author, incorporating them, was forced to struggle to discover/recover his own identity. The result is an hilarious and irreverent view of the world as experienced through the skewed and distorted lens of a slightly crazed mind peering through a Los Angeles window. "As the Captain says, 'Ain't no lilacs in this dooryard.'"
Also by Paul Vangelisti:
Days Shadows Pass, Out of Print

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