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The Women at the Pump

Knut Hamsun

Translated from the Norwegian

Out of Print

Series No.: SMC 115
ISBN: 978-1557132444, Pages:
Norwegian Literature, Fiction

A Sun & Moon title.

* * *

Joining previous Hamsun novels published by Sun & Moon Press (Victoria and Wayfarers), The Women at the Pump, originally published in Norway in 1920, reveals the narrative power of the Nobel Prize-winning novelist. The women at the pump in Hamsun's small Norwegian coastal town are seldom short of something to talk about: scandals of adultery and illegitimate children, class tensions and hostility, religious disputes, and a mail robbery involving some of the town's most significant figures. All serve as a backdrop to the activities of Oliver Andersen and his large family he and his wife contrive to raise despite the growing suspicions that a mysterious accident at sea deprived him of more than a leg.
Also by Knut Hamsun:
A Wanderer Plays on Muted Strings, Out of Print
On Overgrown Paths, $13.95
The Last Joy, Out of Print
Victoria [Sun & Moon], Out of Print

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